Kiosk Banners And Creatives
Kiosk Banners And Creatives

Kiosk Banners And Creatives


Here is a new 300x50 Blog Chicklet for getting followed. Be sure to replace the YOURPROFILElink with Your Profile URL. And Use the Image below:

<a href="YOURPROFILElink" target="_blank"><img src="INSERT IMAGE HERE" alt="Follow Me On Kiosk Social"></a>


I'm suffering a sinusd infection and a bit tired so I will work to tidy up the page a bit at another time but here is the page with the first set of new banners with links and even instructions on how to add them to your own website or blog.

Affiliate Banners

Affiliate Banners

Kiosk Social, a freedom network pairing content creators with hungry minds. Explore our marketplace.

Coming Soon New Graphics for Kiosk Social Promotions.


New Launch Banner for this week ending Jully 4th. Be sure to use your affiliate URL with every social media you are on to spread the word and earn some cash.


This image called, "What Kind", is a 640x428 pixel graphic for use on Social media posts


Be sure to add this banner to fan pages or your Facebook Profile images. Don't forget your affiliate link so you can get paid.
