Who are you looking to connect with and what is the benefits fo growing Kiosk Social?
I know I have told you we will pay 25% commissions on upgraded memberships here at Kiosk Social you refer to using your affiliate link. But what kind of people are you looking for when prospecting?
The goal of Kiosk Social is to build groups of people who share every niche under the sun so start by choosing a core interest or set of interests like Hiking/Fishing/Travel/Business and see what kind of people in your friends list already on other networks share these interests.
Start building related content on Pages is you get a verified account or in groups and ask your friends and especially content creators to come join your groups here. Give them your affiliate link to make sure you get credit and ask them to share their profile with you when done so you can send the groups invites and friend requests.
Another tip is to blog constantly using your free profile blog on these niche-related interests and include your affiliate URL and an invite to join Kiosk Social. This will put the power of free search engine traffic to work for you too.

Jack Bosma
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