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Our Affiliate/Referral Program is very simple there are 3 products we offer. https://tinyurl.com/2p9efj9a
P1-MLMROD Basic = $15 (One-Time Fee)
You make 100% commission, this is paid directly and instantly to you when a new members joins using your link.
The new P1 Member gets 100 MLM Leads, Contact Manager, Training Videos, Scripts, Autoresponder, Personal Lead Capture Page, Personal Sales Page, Unlimited access to our Activity for Leads Program, etc.
P2-MLMROD Pro = $125 (One-Time Fee)
You make $100 commission, this is paid directly and instantly to you when a P1 member upgrades to this from inside of their back office.
The new P2 Member gets 200 MLM Leads added to their account, 3 times the speed of leads delivered and access to be able to buy our exclusive members ONLY P3-MLMROD Advanced System.
Also the new P2 Member gets access to use the Cool_Bribe offer.
Please Note:
You must be an active P2 or P3 Member in order to receive the $100 commission.
If you are not an active P2 or P3 Member then the $100 commission goes to the next active P2 or P3 member above you.
P3-MLMROD Advanced= $97 Per Month
No commissions paid on this, we did this for 2 reasons:
#1- To keep the monthly price point as low as possible to you the member.
#2- We want to attract Network Marketers that are associated with good companies and products that have a real residual income attached to it.
This way we can keep the focus for you and your team on building your Network Marketing Business.
The new P3 Member gets a minimum of 100 incoming calls that we generate for them every month from Network Marketers that they can invite them to look at their business. Click Here For More Info on P3 https://tinyurl.com/2p9efj9a