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The Reverse 2-Up compensation plan is easy to understand but can be very lucrative. It automatically creates residual income for you because all of your sales must pass up their 2nd and 4th sale to you. These pass ups are placed into your payline and all sales in your payline also must pass up their 2nd and 4th sale to you! Everyone wants pass up sales, so everyone must produce sales and as long as your downline produce sales you will receive passive pass up sales. Go to https://tinyurl.com/3fy55uuz
This Reverse 2-Up plan works the same to build your income in all 11 Stages of this income system. Only the Pass Up Sales amount progresses higher in each Stage. Pass Up sales amounts are equivalent to the cost of the entry product for each Stage. Entry product purchase amounts will always be from your Profits, NEVER OUT of your pocket except for Stage-1 which entry fee is ONLY $3.00!
You may also choose to propel your income growth by upgrading into the first 4 Stages for only $77 which includes your discounted Admin fee! Entry costs for all Stages are as follows. $3.00 in Stage-1, $27 Stage-2, Free $20 entry in our New Vehicle Stage-3, $25 Monthly in Stage-4, $97 Stage-5, $200 Stage-6, $300 in Stage-7, $600 in Stage-8, $2K in Stage-9, $7K Stage-10 and $21K in Stage-11.
Simultaneous building of income in each Stage for all Members is made possible because the funds to purchase the entry product for each higher Stage are derived from the Member's earnings in their previous Stage as their earnings reach the Admin Predetermined Earning Amount (APEA) in the previous Stage. This APEA by system design should occur at or prior to the completion of Level-5 in each Stage.
Awarded to All Feeder Stage-1 Members to Enter You Free into our $82K New Truck Stage-3 (NTS) Rvs-2Up! View it below.
One Of These Could Be Yours! And you're just in time to take part in our $500 Feeder Stage $3.00 Sales Contest. See it below!
Let's Get You Upgraded Into The $3.00 FS or you may choose to jump the field and join Stages 1,2,3 and 4...
FIRST Click the Join Now Botton and Create Your account!
After upgrading your PSIS account by purchasing your Feeder Stage $3.00 entry product from PSIS Admin, you are placed into this Feeder Stage-1 (FS-1).
$12K Rvs-2Up Feeder Stage-1 Earnings Illustration
$3.00 Entry - $12K Projected Payout Through 10 Levels
Split Page Locator
Your $3.00 Purchase Places You Into The $3.00 Rvs-2Up Feeder Stage-1 (FS) Pay Line of Your Producer.
Earning Your 1st $42 In The Feeder Stage(FS) Is Easy Once You're In!
A. Once you are in the FS and have produced your 4 $3.00 sales, the low $3.00 entry cost should have you completing your Levels-1 and 2 rather quickly as most of your prospects will grasp this potential to change their financial future.
B. You'll pass up 2 of your 4 sales to your FS Producer whose PL you would be in and retain 2 in your Level-1 Pay Line earning you $6 ($3×2).
C. As the 2 remaining in your L-1 PL complete their 4 FS sales, they will each pass up 2 $3.00 sales to you earning you $12 ($3×4) MORE PASSIVE INCOME for an $18 ($6+$12) total in L-1 earnings! You would then have 4 in your L-2 Pay Line who must each pass up 2 sales to you and when they do, you'll receive a total of 8 (4×2) sales earning you $24 MORE PASSIVE INCOME ($3×8) for a combined L-1 and L-2 total of $42 ($18+$24) !
Your income would continue to DOUBLE on each Level as $3.00 sales continue to pour in to earn you $12.2K IN PASSIVE INCOME through just 10 Levels! Refer to the $3.00 Feeder Stage Rvs-2Up Earnings Illustration Chart above.
D. From your Levels-1 and 2 earning of $42 your will purchase your Silver Stage-2 entry product from your Sponsor. Their purchase url will be in your PSIS account back office when you are qualified to upgrade into your Silver Stage-2.
E. You'll maintain your position in this FS to receive your potential payouts totaling $12K through just 10 Levels! As your Downline Members continue to produce $3.00 FS sales in their quest to enter the $111K Silver Stage-2 you could EARN INFINITELY!
Entering The $111K Silver Stage-2
Upon reaching the earning amount of $42 which would be your total earnings when your FS Levels 1 and 2 are completed as shown in the FS illustration chart above, you will purchase from your Producer one of the two entry products listed below to begin earning in the $111K Silver Stage-2 Rvs-2Up.
1. $27 Instant Profit Club Basic (IPC biz oppty.
When you have reached the qalifying Feeder Stage-1 earings to advance to Stage-2, you will receive your Sponsor's IPCB sales page url from Rvs-2Up Admin. If your Sponsor's Name is not showing on the IPCB sales page you received from Rvs-2Up Admin, DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE IPCB PURCHASE! Please Contact PSIS Admin for the correct IPCB url from which to make your purchase.
2. 3-Month Text Ad for $27 from your Producer. Follow links for easy purchasing instructions.
Pay Your $49 Annual Admin Fee Out Of Your Earnings!
PSIS 1st year annual $49 Admin fee will be disbursed from your FS Level-4 earnings of $96. We don't earn until our Members earn.
$82K New Truck Stage-3 Reverse 2Up
When your FS Level-4 completes with earnigs of $96 you will be rewarded a $20 profit share which PSIS Admin will use to place you FREE into our $82K New Truck Stage-3 Rvs-2Up.
As everyone's Feeder Stage Sales follow them into this NTS your commissions will soon reach the total amount of $81.8K through 10 Levels! PSIS Admin will within 15-days afterwards present your chosen dealership with the Cashier's Check of up to $80K to cover the cost of your New Truck, Car, SUV or ALL THREE depending upon your choice of Wheels! Oh, you can also receive Cash in instead of the Wheels. It's your Money get it however you want to. Should you choose the Vehicle(s) or the Cash, the withdrawal of any remaining commissions in Levels-1 thru Level-10 including all commissions accumulated in this NTS TO INFINITY will be available to you to post withdrawals in your back office. Go to https://tinyurl.com/3fy55uuz