Desire Requires Commitment.
You never have a wish without the ability to form a strategy to get it.
Once you make a commitment to it, you will work to achieve it.
You have the ability to get your desires once you determine exactly what you want.
You will have to sacrifice other things to get what you want.
You will need to pursue your goals with everything you have in you.
It will not be easy you must remain focused at all times.
To achieve anything in life you must commit to it.
Have you determined what you want to gain from your endeavors?
You must be clear, determined, and committed to your deepest desire to get it.
When you have faith and belief you can do it.
You will do it.
It is up to you.
There are no limits to
what you can do when you
believe in yourself and your
Start today. You can "Do It".
Remember desire requires commitment.
