What's an Entrepreneur ? Really ?
If you embark on the Entrepreneurial path, be prepared to be alone at times.
Do you recognize any of the following traits in yourself ?
1. Filled with Energy
2. Flooded with ideas
3. Easily bored
4. Driven, restless - unable to keep still
5. Channels energy into wildly ambitious ideas
6. Often works on little sleep
7. Feels brilliant, special, chosen, perhaps even destined to change the world
8. Easily irritated by minor obstacles
9. A risk taker
10. Tends to overspend
11. Sometime acts impulsively
12. Quick decision maker
13. Fast talker
14. Witty & gregarious
15. Confident
16. Charismatic
17. Persuasive
18. Can sometimes make enemies
19. Feels persecuted by those who do not share your vision
20. Happy to accept failure
21. Craves Learning - avid reader
22. Passionate
23. Feel others do not understand you
24. Expert networker
25. Highly adaptable & flexible
26. Breaks the rules
27. High levels of self belief
28. Never gives up or quits - Tenacious
29. Comfortable with change or new experiences
30. Competitive
31. Prefer to be the leader
32. Self motivated
