25 Quotes Why You Need To Blog
1. "Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field." - Penelope Trunk
2. "Blogging is the new resume.” - Ryan Lilly
3. "Becoming a blogger reintroduces you to creative thinking." - Andrew Sullivan
4. "A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to share your shopping list." - Unknown
5. "Blogging is not about writing articles, it’s about sharing your thoughts." - Santanu Debnath
6. "A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others." - Lee Odden
7. "A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world." - SimpleBits
8. "Blogging is a chance to express your unique voice and perspective." - Vicki French
9. "The more you blog, the better you become at blogging. It’s a process you learn by doing." - Neil Patel
10. "Blogging touches people. It has the potential to reach others in ways we might never imagine." - Darren Rowse
11. “Blogging is a communications mechanism handed to us by the long tail of the Internet.” - Tom Foremski
12. "Blogging is a journey that can take you anywhere you want to go." - Michael Hyatt
13. "Your blog can open doors you never knew existed." - Heather Armstrong
14. "Blogging gives you a platform to showcase your expertise and build a personal brand." - Rachel Foster
15. "Blogs are a great platform for starting conversations – it's the commenters who build the community." - Andy Merrett
16. "Regular blogging can illuminate common questions or misconceptions about your industry." - Sandra Clayton
17. "Blogging helps you climb the search engine ladder." - Gary Dek
18. "My blog is a collection of answers people don’t want to hear to questions they didn’t ask." - Sebastyne Young
19. "A blog is only as good as the passion behind it." - Adam Connell
20. "The best part of blogging is the people you will meet." - Holly Hanna
21. "Blogging is a commitment to yourself. It helps you discover who you truly are." - Anupam Varshney
22. "Blogging boosts your online presence and reputation." - Yaro Starak
23. "Your blog is your unedited version of yourself." - Lorelle VanFossen
24. "Blogging is one of the most authentic forms of communication." - Mitch Joe
25. "Blogging is about sharing knowledge and making connections." - Jacqueline Simpson.