The Birthstone of July: The History and significance of moissanite rings for women rubies

Rubies are birthstones for people born in July. July birthstones are usually bright red, but dark purple or light pink stones can also be found. Along with diamonds, amethysts, sapphires, and emeralds, rubies are one of the traditional cardinal stones and have been prized for centuries.

The ruby birthstone represents wealth, happiness, passion, courage, and vitality.
The origin of the moissanite rings for women ruby, the birthstone of July
The name Ruby comes from the Latin Rubeus, which means red. It is a corundum mineral, an alumina that contains trace amounts of chromium or vanadium, giving it a reddish color. Their red color means they have long been associated with blood, passion, life, healing, and romance.
Rubies have a long history of use dating back thousands of years. Long ago, Burmese warriors wore rubies because they believed they could protect them from all harm. In places like China and India, rubies are the most popular gemstones that can be attached to armor, scabbards, and harnesses to bring good luck to the mount and rider.
The ancient Sanskrit word for moissanite rings for women rubies is ratnaraj, meaning "king of gems", as they were reserved for nobles. Rubies are even mentioned in the Bible, appearing in Exodus, the Book of Proverbs, and elsewhere.
July Birthstone history
Rubies have been found in deposits from Greenland to Australia, but they are most commonly associated with Burma (formerly known as Burma), which has some of the oldest records of ruby mining.
From the mines of Burma and ancient India, these precious stones would be shipped throughout Asia and Europe via trade routes established by the Romans. They were used as currency, jewelry, and amulets against evil spirits and bad luck - and were sometimes even buried under the foundations of houses to bring prosperity to their occupants.
Where was the ruby found?
Today, most moissanite rings for women's rubies come from Myanmar, although they are also mined in Thailand, Cambodia, India, and Vietnam. Recently, large deposits have been discovered in different regions such as Greenland, Pakistan, and Mozambique, which have become important sources of ruby mines since 2009.
When mining rubies, workers dig into the gravel layer where the gems are located, then filter and wash out the silt with a wide screen to pick out promising gems.
Ruby's color and appearance
The most precious ruby is a vibrant, deep blood red, but there are many other shades, including a pink with an orange undertone (" pigeon blood "), a deep Burgundy like garnet, or a purple reminiscent of sapphire.
The color of a ruby depends on the type of rock in which it was formed; For example, rubies formed in marble have a lower iron content and are therefore a brighter red color, while rubies in basalt deposits are darker and less reflective.
Moissanite rings for women's rubies can be cut and polished into various sizes and shapes, such as ellipses, spheres, bars, and even hearts. Some rubies are legendary for their size, brightness, rarity, and cost: the Sunrise Ruby, for example, is the world's most expensive non-diamond gemstone, weighing just 5.1 grams, but has sold for more than $30 million at auction.
The Liberty Bell Ruby weighs four pounds and is the largest natural ruby in the world, carved in the shape of the Liberty Bell and encrusted with diamonds. Sadly, it was stolen in a robbery in 2011 and may be lost forever.
Scientific and physical properties of ruby birthstone
The chemical composition of ruby is alumina (Al2O3), which contains trace amounts of chromium, making it red. With a Mohs hardness of 9, it is extremely durable and scratch-resistant. In terms of hardness, it is second only to diamond.
Rubies are also relatively light as gemstones and have a lower relative density than other gemstones. They also refract light well, with a refractive index of about 1.76, which means that even darker gems can shine in direct light. In fact, in 1960, rubies were used to make the first optical laser.
What are the advantages of wearing rubies?
Moissanite rings for women rubies are not only attractive but also tough enough for everyday wear, as their hardness makes them resistant to scratches (and debris) while being lightweight enough for even children to wear.
Care and maintenance of ruby birthstone jewelry
As with all jewelry, it is important to take good care of your ruby, July birthstone pieces to extend their life. Here are some hints:
Rubies should not be exposed to harsh chemicals such as chlorine or bleach.
Do not wear them while doing physical labor or any other activity that may cause injury.
When not wearing them, keep them in a cloth bag or box to prevent scratches.
They are professionally inspected and cleaned every year to remove dirt or oil that has built up on the stones.
When should you offer moissanite rings for women's ruby jewelry to someone?
Rubies are often associated with love and passion, making them ideal gifts for weddings and romantic occasions. Traditionally, rubies are also given on the 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.
Ruby necklaces, earrings, and rings are popular choices for ruby jewelry. You will also find pendants, bracelets, and brooches set with beautiful red stones.
In short
All in all, the July birthstone is a unique gemstone that is not only beautiful but also durable. Its fiery red color and high refractive index mean that it continues to be regarded as a symbol of love, passion, romance, vitality, and strength. Moissanite rings for women rubies are an iconic and enduring symbol, the perfect addition to the loved ones in your life, and with a little care and maintenance, they can last a lifetime.


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