Fix QuickBooks Error 80070057 | Step-by-Step Solutions

This error signifies that the user lacks sufficient permissions to delete or access the specified file. Understanding this error's root causes and symptoms is essential to troubleshoot and resolve it effectively.

QuickBooks Error 80070057 is a common issue many users face, typically occurring when opening a company file. This error signifies that the user lacks sufficient permissions to delete or access the specified file. Understanding this error's root causes and symptoms is essential to troubleshoot and resolve it effectively.

What is QuickBooks Error Code 80070057?

QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 appears when a user attempts to open a company file and is met with the message, “Error 80070057: The parameter is incorrect.” This error indicates a problem with the file path, the way the file is being accessed, or the file permissions.

Causes Behind QuickBooks Error Code 80070057

Several factors can cause QuickBooks Error Code 80070057, including:

  1. Insufficient Permissions: The user lacks the necessary permissions to access the company file.
  2. Corrupted or Damaged Company File: Issues with the integrity of the company file.
  3. Incorrect Configuration of Firewall or Antivirus: Firewall or antivirus settings blocking QuickBooks.
  4. Problems with the.ND File: Network Data (.ND) file is damaged or incorrect.
  5. Issues with QuickBooks Database Server Manager: Misconfigured or outdated server manager.
  6. File Name Extension Problems: Incorrect company file name extension.
  7. Network Issues: Problems with the network connectivity or file path.

Symptoms that Indicate QuickBooks Error Code 80070057

The following symptoms can indicate the presence of QuickBooks Error Code 80070057:

  1. Error message “80070057: The parameter is incorrect” when attempting to open the company file.
  2. Inability to access the company file.
  3. Slow performance or crashing of QuickBooks when trying to open the company file.
  4. Error message stating insufficient permissions to delete the file.
  5. Incorrect or invalid file path in QuickBooks.

Methods to Fix QuickBooks Error Code 80070057

Here are some methods to troubleshoot and fix QuickBooks Error Code 80070057:

1. Update QuickBooks

Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks:

  1. Open QuickBooks and go to the Help menu.
  2. Select "Update QuickBooks Desktop."
  3. Click on "Update Now" and then "Get Updates."
  4. Restart QuickBooks after the updates are installed.

2. Clean Install QuickBooks

Perform a clean installation of QuickBooks to resolve the error:

  1. Uninstall QuickBooks from your computer.
  2. Download the latest version from the official Intuit website.
  3. Install QuickBooks and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Open QuickBooks and try accessing your company file.

3. Restore Your Company File to its Default Location

Ensure the company file is in its default location:

  1. Locate your company file.
  2. Move it to the default QuickBooks folder (e.g., C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files).
  3. Open QuickBooks and access the company file from the default location.

4. Rename the Network Data (.ND) File

Rename the .ND file to resolve any network data issues:

  1. Navigate to the folder containing your company file.
  2. Locate the .ND file associated with your company file.
  3. Right-click the .ND file and select "Rename."
  4. Add ".old" to the end of the file name (e.g., "companyfile.nd.old").
  5. Open QuickBooks and try accessing your company file.

5. Configure Firewall to Allow QuickBooks

Ensure your firewall settings are configured to allow QuickBooks:

  1. Open your firewall software.
  2. Go to the settings and add QuickBooks as an exception.
  3. Ensure ports 80 and 443 are open.
  4. Save the settings and try opening your company file.

6. Use the QuickBooks Database Server Manager

Rescan your company file using the QuickBooks Database Server Manager:

  1. Open the QuickBooks Database Server Manager.
  2. Select "Start Scan" if your company file folders are already listed, or "Browse" to locate the folder and then "Start Scan."
  3. Once the scan is complete, try to open your company file in QuickBooks.

7. Use QuickBooks Software as an Admin

Run QuickBooks with administrative privileges:

  1. Right-click on the QuickBooks icon on your desktop.
  2. Select "Run as Administrator."
  3. Open QuickBooks and try accessing your company file.

8. Using QuickBooks File Doctor

Use the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to repair your company file:

  1. Download the QuickBooks File Doctor tool from the official Intuit website.
  2. Install and run the tool.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to scan and repair your company file.
  4. Once the repair is complete, try to access your company file.


QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 can be frustrating, but with the methods outlined above, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve it effectively. Ensuring that you have the correct permissions, properly configured software, and up-to-date QuickBooks versions will help prevent this error from recurring.


1. What does QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 mean?

QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 indicates that you do not have sufficient permissions to delete the specified file, or there may be issues with the company file.

2. Why does QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 occur?

This error can occur due to insufficient permissions, damaged or corrupted company files, issues with the QuickBooks Database Server Manager, or incorrect firewall or antivirus configuration.

3. How can I fix QuickBooks Error Code 80070057?

You can fix this error by updating QuickBooks, performing a clean install, restoring your company file to its default location, and renaming the .ND file, configuring your firewall, using the QuickBooks Database Server Manager, running QuickBooks as an admin, or using QuickBooks File Doctor.

4. Can QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 be prevented?

You can prevent this error by ensuring proper file permissions, keeping QuickBooks up-to-date, and properly configuring your firewall and antivirus software.

5. What should I do if QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 persists?

Contact QuickBooks support or a certified QuickBooks professional for further assistance if the error persists.

Nik Jones

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