The Ultimate 2024 Guide to Product Merchandising for Bigcommerce Stores

Discover essential strategies and tips for optimizing product merchandising on your Bigcommerce store in 2024 to boost sales and enhance customer experience.

Product merchandising for Bigcommerce stores is a pivotal strategy that directly impacts your online store's performance. By effectively showcasing your products, you can enhance customer experience, drive higher sales, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape. Whether you're a seasoned Bigcommerce store owner or just starting, understanding and implementing the right merchandising strategies can set you apart from the competition.

What is Product Merchandising?

Product merchandising is the strategic process of presenting your products to potential customers in a way that maximizes their appeal and encourages purchases. In the context of eCommerce, particularly for Bigcommerce stores, this involves everything from how products are displayed on your website to how they are categorized, described, and promoted.

Key Elements of Effective Merchandising

Effective product merchandising for Bigcommerce stores hinges on several critical elements:

  1. Product Categorization: Proper categorization ensures customers can easily navigate your store and find products quickly. This involves creating logical groupings of products based on type, usage, or target audience.
  2. Product Descriptions: A compelling product description not only informs the customer but also persuades them to buy. Use clear, concise language and include key product features, benefits, and use cases.
  3. Visual Merchandising: This refers to the aesthetic aspects of your online store, including product images, page layout, and overall design. It’s about creating an online shopping environment that is both attractive and functional.
  4. Cross-Selling and Upselling: These techniques involve recommending related products or more premium versions of the items your customers are viewing. Effective cross-selling and upselling can significantly increase average order value.
  5. Customer Reviews and Ratings: Social proof is powerful. Displaying customer reviews and ratings can build trust and influence purchasing decisions.

Strategies for Effective Product Merchandising

Product Categorization

Effective product categorization is the foundation of a well-organized online store. Proper categorization not only enhances user experience but also improves search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for customers to find your products.

Key Strategies:

  • Logical Groupings: Organize products into categories that make sense from the customer’s perspective. For example, a clothing store might categorize items by type (e.g., shirts, pants, accessories) and by occasion (e.g., casual, formal).
  • Use of Subcategories: Break down larger categories into more specific subcategories to help customers narrow down their choices quickly.
  • SEO Optimization: Use descriptive, keyword-rich names for your categories and subcategories to improve visibility in search engine results.

Tip: Regularly review and update your categories based on customer behavior and sales data. Categories that work today may need adjustments as your product line evolves.

Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising is about creating an appealing and user-friendly online shopping environment. The goal is to make your products as attractive as possible while ensuring that customers can easily navigate through your store.

Key Strategies:

  • High-Quality Images: Invest in professional photography to showcase your products. Multiple angles, zoom features, and lifestyle images can help customers visualize the product in real life.
  • Consistent Design Elements: Use a consistent color scheme, typography, and layout across your store to create a cohesive brand experience.
  • Featured Products and Collections: Highlight bestselling items, new arrivals, or seasonal collections on your homepage to draw attention to key products.

Cross-Selling and Upselling Techniques

Cross-selling and upselling are powerful strategies for increasing the average order value of your Bigcommerce store. These techniques involve recommending additional products that complement the customer’s current selection or suggesting higher-end alternatives.

Key Strategies:

  • Related Product Suggestions: Display related products on the product detail page, such as accessories or complementary items. For example, if a customer is viewing a laptop, suggest a laptop bag or external mouse.
  • Bundle Offers: Create product bundles that offer a discount when purchased together. This not only boosts sales but also adds value for the customer.
  • Upselling: Encourage customers to consider a more premium version of the product they’re viewing by highlighting additional features or benefits.

Optimizing Merchandising for Bigcommerce

Using Built-In Features

Bigcommerce offers a range of built-in features that can significantly enhance product merchandising. These tools are designed to streamline the management and presentation of your products, making it easier to deliver a seamless shopping experience.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Product Pages: Bigcommerce allows you to customize product pages to match your brand’s aesthetic and functional needs. You can easily add tabs, customize layouts, and include product videos to create a richer shopping experience.
  • Faceted Search: This feature helps customers quickly find what they’re looking for by filtering products based on specific attributes like size, color, price, and brand. Faceted search enhances usability, particularly for stores with large inventories.
  • Product Badges: Highlight products with badges such as “New,” “Sale,” or “Best Seller” to draw attention to specific items and guide purchasing decisions.

Tip: Regularly update and experiment with the built-in features to keep your store fresh and responsive to customer preferences.

Custom Solutions and Extensions

While Bigcommerce’s built-in features are powerful, custom solutions and third-party extensions can take your merchandising to the next level. These enhancements can be particularly useful for stores with unique needs or complex product offerings.

Custom Solutions:

  • Custom Product Configurators: For stores selling customizable products, a custom product configurator can provide an interactive experience, allowing customers to build their products to their exact specifications.
  • Advanced Pricing Rules: Implement custom pricing rules that trigger discounts based on specific conditions, such as buying in bulk or combining products.

Third-Party Extensions:

  • Merchandising Apps: Bigcommerce’s app marketplace offers various merchandising apps that can add functionality, such as personalized product recommendations, dynamic pricing, and more.
  • Inventory Management Tools: Use advanced inventory management extensions to automate stock updates, manage multiple warehouses, and forecast demand.

Inventory Management

Managing inventory efficiently is a critical aspect of product merchandising. Without proper inventory control, you risk overselling, stockouts, or holding onto excess inventory—all of which can harm your store’s performance.


  • Stockouts: Running out of stock on popular items can lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers.
  • Overstocking: Holding too much inventory ties up capital and increases storage costs, especially for slow-moving products.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Maintaining accurate inventory levels across multiple channels (online and offline) can be challenging, leading to discrepancies and fulfillment issues.


  • Automated Inventory Management Systems: Invest in an inventory management system that automatically updates stock levels, alerts you when items are running low, and forecasts demand based on sales trends.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular inventory audits to ensure accuracy and catch discrepancies before they become significant problems.
  • Smart Reordering: Set up automated reordering rules to restock popular items before they run out, ensuring continuous availability without overstocking.

Customer Experience

A seamless customer experience is vital for successful product merchandising. If your customers struggle to find products or navigate your store, it can lead to frustration and abandonment, negatively impacting sales.


  • Complex Navigation: A cluttered or confusing navigation system can make it difficult for customers to find the products they want.
  • Slow Loading Times: Slow page load times, particularly on product pages, can lead to higher bounce rates and lost sales.
  • Inconsistent Branding: Inconsistent design elements, messaging, or layout can create a disjointed shopping experience that undermines trust in your brand.


  • Simplified Navigation: Design a clear and intuitive navigation structure, using mega menus or filters to help customers find what they need quickly.
  • Optimize Page Speed: Compress images, use a content delivery network (CDN), and optimize your Bigcommerce store’s code to reduce load times and enhance the user experience.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across all pages, including color schemes, fonts, and messaging, to create a cohesive shopping experience.

The Role of a Dedicated Bigcommerce Developer

Customization Needs

Every Bigcommerce store has unique needs, and while the platform offers a robust set of built-in features, there are times when custom solutions are necessary to fully realize your store's potential. A dedicated Bigcommerce developer can tailor these solutions to fit your specific requirements.

Key Customization Areas:

  • Custom Product Pages: A developer can create custom product pages that go beyond standard templates, incorporating interactive features like 3D product views, custom configurators, or dynamic pricing models.
  • Advanced Merchandising Tools: Developers can build or integrate advanced tools that offer personalized product recommendations, dynamic content based on user behavior, or real-time inventory updates.
  • API Integrations: If your store relies on third-party systems for inventory management, CRM, or marketing, a developer can ensure seamless API integrations that synchronize data across platforms.

Hiring the Right Developer

Hiring the right Bigcommerce developer is crucial for ensuring that your store’s product merchandising is optimized for success. The right developer will have a deep understanding of both the Bigcommerce platform and your specific business needs.

What to Look For:

  • Experience with Bigcommerce: Ensure that the developer has extensive experience working with Bigcommerce, including knowledge of its API, customization capabilities, and the latest features.
  • Portfolio of Work: Review the developer’s portfolio to see examples of previous projects that align with what you want to achieve.
  • Understanding of eCommerce: A developer who understands eCommerce trends, consumer behavior, and merchandising best practices can offer insights that go beyond just coding.


Effective product merchandising is the cornerstone of a successful Bigcommerce store. By understanding the fundamental aspects of merchandising—such as product categorization, visual merchandising, and cross-selling—you can create an online shopping experience that not only attracts customers but also encourages them to make a purchase.

Leveraging Bigcommerce's built-in features and exploring custom solutions can significantly enhance your store’s functionality. Whether it's optimizing product pages, using advanced inventory management tools, or integrating custom APIs, these enhancements contribute to a smoother, more engaging shopping experience.

However, the complexity of product merchandising means that sometimes you may need professional support. This is where hiring a dedicated Bigcommerce developer becomes invaluable. With their expertise, you can implement custom solutions that perfectly align with your business goals, ensuring that your store is not only functional but also optimized for success.
