Sum of 5 Mastermind
Sum of 5 Mastermind

Sum of 5 Mastermind

13 Members
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I have to admit I have not shared to this group as intended, but I also have seen no questions asked or advice given by members either. Sum of 5 is a meeting spot to find the 5 core connections in your life you will learn everything you need to prosper from. I say that from here forward we each aim to ask 1 question a week and give 2 answers or advice post each week. That way we all put in twice what we take away and grow exponentially for it.

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Joining a group mastermind is not enough to make it effective for you, your contribution is required.

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ATTN: Sum of 5 members, if you want the group to work for yopu the first thing to do is introduce yourself and then let's get some conversations started.

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Introductions: Who are you?

My name is Andy Anderson and I am a proud father of 7 and husband to wife Cary since Dec. 28th, 2000. Prior to moving into my own home-based online marketing business in 2004, I had 14 years of offline management mostly in Food Services and Retail. Since coming online my biggest project was a 9-year run as co-owner and CEO to the now defunct Kooiii Social Media Search which I left as a result of a nervous breakdown. I have seen nearly ever obstacle possible even being homeless at one point and hop to inspire others with my story and future success. Oh yeah, I am Owner/Admin here at Kiosk Social.
