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Every year, the #fashion and #lifestyle industry are responsible for generating 10% of the total carbon emissions and over 90 million tonnes of non-biodegradable textile waste. In an industry with such impact on the environment, the need for sustainable practices is a must. This is where Mona B comes in. We are a brand with a sole purpose of saving the environment, because someone has to.

Before we get into what Mona B has to offer, let’s understand what Mona B does to save the environment. Recycling involves breaking down waste materials into raw materials to create new products again. This process can simply reduce the waste materials polluting the environment and repurpose them by giving them a new life, making them useful again. Through this simple process, Mona B aims to reduce the wastage and give high quality products to its customers.

Now let’s get into how it all started back in 2021. Fresh out of lockdown, the need of doing something new was there, as it was like a fresh start. On doing analysis, the lifestyle industry seemed to be the one which could really use a sustainable addition to it as there were little to no brands doing what Mona B started with. The goal was simple, to convert existing heaps of waste materials into something new, something which can be used again and lasts long. Mona B started with #backpacks, #handbags, and duffel bag to see how the customers would react to something that pledges to reduce the waste load on the environment. To our surprise, the hype for the products was real! Turns out that people were looking into stylish, high-quality alternatives to their existing choices and with the sustainability factor coming in, customers were all in for Mona B. Cut down to 2025, Mona B has extensively expanded its catalogue to #home textiles, #crossbodies, planters and much more. The goal is still the same, creating products that don’t give any waste to the nature, but actually take the existing waste from it.

Mona B aims to keep introducing #sustainable products to the market so our customers always have a choice to choose their style and there’s a little something for everyone.

Website: https://www.monabindia.com/