Ladies and Gentlemen please stop doing online surveys I hate to see you enslaved for pennies by companies making tens of millions. I mean did you know that 1 health questionnaire can get you sold as a lead to 20 companies at a rate of $30 to $75 per lead?
You are earning them $700 and they give you an entry with a one in 10,000 odds to win a $600 PS5. That is 10,000 people made $700 each or $700,000 dollars they make at a cost of $600 plus any CPA they pay games sites etc... to promote the survey.
If I threw up an Offer Wall here at Kiosk Social I could get a CPA on every least around $40 people survey filled so if every one of those 10,000 mostly losers came by CPA they would spend $400,600 to make a profit of $299,400 and 9,999 of the people who did 99% of the works and have to endure all of the ads get nothing.
I did just enough surveys early on 19 years ago to pay my way in on my first Multi-level-marketing or MLM program, about %50 which took a month of spending nearly 6 hours a day doing surveys to earn and have not looked back. Survey companies are PIMPS and these pimps aren't even buying good crack to string you out on but they promise to earn thousands a month because you can earn what the other guy earns by referring your friends and family