What’s included in Markethive's FREE Membership:
Content Marketing:
Blogging Broadcasting - WordPress Plugins - Social Subscriptions - Curation System.
Email Marketing:
97% Inbox Delivery Rates - Autoresponders (No Limit) - Email Broadcasting.
Leads Funnels:
Profile Page - Capture Page - Each Members Survey Pages.
Lead Management:
Cross Social Networking - Leads Groups Management - Email, Phone, Chat - Social Networks Collected - Lead Nurturing.
Content Rich Profile Page with High Search Engine Ranking - Profile Page Link Hub - Blogging Platform - Permalinks for Blog Posts - Permalinks for Capture Pages - Videos, Images & Calendars - Robot Friendly Profile Page.
Conference Rooms:
Each Members Own Room - Room Widget for WordPress - Avatar Engine.
System Tutorials:
Step by Step Incentivized Tutorials - Easy to Complete - Markethive Pays you to Complete their Tutorials - Completion Badges.
Social Media:
Private Social Network - Group Messaging System - Strategic Collaboration.
Campaign Management & Co-op - Website Rotator - Website Tracking - Asset Map | Backlink Tracker.
Attendance Monitor - Self-replicating Capture Pages - Surveys, PDFs & blogs.
Markethive does NOT track, use cookies or store your personal information - Cancelling Your Account Deletes Everything.
Markethive firmly believes Your Privacy is exactly what is says - Your Privacy.
Integrated into the Eco-System - Linked to Wallet & Exchanges.
Encrypted Wallet Key to 2FA, KYC, Messaging, Tipping, and Commerce.
Infinity Airdrops Rewarding New Member Incentives.
Micro Payments:
Refer 3 to Activate your Universal Income Micro Payments - This turns everything you do in Markethive into a faucet: Make a blog - get paid. Make a comment - get paid. Make a Capture Page - get paid. Refer New Members - get paid, etc, etc.
Profile Page:
Unique Vanity URL - SEO Searchable to everybody, including non-members and those not logged in.
All of this for FREE - Incorporated into a transparent blockchain system. Markethive is completely decentralized, delivering on its principles of Privacy, Transparency & Free Speech.
Markethive does NOT spy on you, shadow ban you or terminate accounts for any reason.
Join for free
