HiveCoin And ILP Smart Contracts - The Markethive Ecosystem
The Markethive ILP smart contracts that the entrepreneurs have recognized as valuable and acquired will work seamlessly in the background on the Markethive blockchain forked off a 3rd generation blockchain.
At the same time, the HiveCoin (HVC) will be used as a medium of exchange and will continually be circulating, earned, and accumulated by users within the Markethive economy.
It allows us to be completely decentralized financially with complete autonomy and protection of our intellectual property, ascertaining a viable and comprehensive ecosystem.
This bodes exceptionally well for the Markethive ecosystem and benefits all participating in it.
Essentially the Markethive ecosystem will have its own financial operating system within the new global financial operating system or future of internet money envisioned by the architects of the emerging technology, strides ahead of the initial technology of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
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