Earning Cash as an Affiliate of Kiosk Social is possibly the most awesome perk of membership but it takes a few things to be really good at it.

The first thing as some of our members are prepositioned for is social proof. The more upgraded members seen by new recruits the more recruits want to upgrade. This is especially effective if you are using pro member tools like boosting your posts to appear at the top of feeds and searches and using sticky posts on your profiles, pages, and groups to put your best content and offers first.

You will find that the more active you are on the site as well, the more active your referrals will be too. This is why touting Points Rewards and the earnings potential creators have as both content specialists and affiliates themselves is something you should be doing with every new member.

Be sure to welcome your team and welcome all new members you can. Make contacts and friends, and be proactive in commenting and sharing other people's posts and you will find a massive following for all you do here.

Right now your mission is to click the Affiliate Link on your home page and bring at least one new friend to Kiosk Social today.
