Your job is not who you are; it’s what you do.
What you do for a living might be a sacred part of who you are, but on its own merits, it doesn’t complete you.
There’s so much more to you than what you do to earn a paycheck. Deep down, you know this is true.
By all means, dedicate a great amount of time toward achieving your professional goals. But for your sake, learn how to let go and honor those other sacred parts of yourself.
If you do, don’t be surprised if you find that you are more passionate, enthusiastic and motivated at work.
Allow yourself the freedom to use your time to love, laugh and learn. Find your balance! Find your joy! Live your life with passion! Don’t be afraid to shift your life in the direction of the things that you value and that nourish your soul.
Shift your focus when you are feeling fragmented and upset to bring yourself back to your higher sense of being, and shift your priorities to allow yourself to focus on what matters.
