Self Esteem is essential for success !!
Learn to love yourself ....
Self esteem is probably the most important ingredient necessary for success, along with self love. Self-esteem is nothing but what one thinks or feels about oneself.
If you think well of yourself, it means you have high self worth. If you don’t value yourself much, it means you have low self-esteem and is closely related to self love.
In other words, if you respect yourself, your self-esteem is good. If you don't, it is not.
When you feel good about yourself, others will feel good about you, too.
There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.
People who do not experience self-love have little or no capacity to love others.
Self-esteem is as necessary to the spirit as food is to the body.
