Affiliate Resources

Please be mindful that we have a strict ZERO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not allow unsolicited digital advertising of the Kiosk Social Platform. In Addition, you may not make any claims about our program not from your own experience or that imply any degree of success from the use of the platform. Member ads must denote a required disclosure of affiliate income on the page in which the ad appears in a manner so as not to be confused about your for-profit relationship with Kiosk Social.


Your Name is an affiliate promoter for Kiosk Social and earns a small commission that does not add to the final sale price of Verified Memberships sold through the following advertising.

Affiliate Quick Links

1. Click Here Grab your Affiliate URL

To promote the front page of the site use the following example:

2. Click Here: Training Dojo Kiosk Social Group

3. Click Here: Banners and Graphics Page

4. Earnings Summary

Click on your profile picture and this data appears at the top of your left sidebar.

5. Click Here: Affiliate Pay Plan

What is an affiliate marketer?

Affiliate Marketers are independent contractors not employed by a company who accept a commission or percentage of the profits from the sale of products or services promoted via an affiliate tracking link. These links place a digital cookie with non-personally identifying information into the website browser of the views of advertising by the affiliate that serves the purpose of tracking sales activity. Our cookie will rest in the end users browser for a period of up to 30 days or until the end user clears their browsers cache and deletes our cookie.

As an Affiliate Marketer, you are not an employee of Kiosk Social but we are required to report annual earnings over $500 USD to the IRS on your behalf. You may not represent yourself as a representative or officer of Kiosk Social or any partner brand.