The Importance of a GREAT PROFILE:

As of January 03, 2024 I have been doing affiliate marketing for 20 years and started before the advent of much of what is Social Media with only a few places like the Original MySpace and the early versions of Facebook in the game. Instead, we had community forums like AdlandPro and Yahoo Groups where I started my Affiliate Journey as an admin.

One common element since day 1 of Social is the profile and while the abusers and bad apples of the world have scared many into hiding behind fake names, fake profile pictures, and fake details of all types this is a business and you are here to make money.

Offline if you showed up to your Law office in a clown suit claiming to be Bozo The Clown, your client listed would be a deserving 0 with a matching bank account. After all P.T. Barnum is no longer with us R.I.P.

It is important to fully fill out your profile with all valid information and a great face photo of the real you. These elements alone will start you miles ahead of millions of utter failures in line for success and begin building our trust in you.

Your About info should be a bit of you mixed with a clear definition of your niche. A Niche is the direct sub-category of Home business or Make Money Online super niche markets you target. If you are trying to attract all of MMO as a niche you are likely reaching none of MMO as a niche except a few traffic exchange visitors who are looking down for a second instead of at the timer.

If you can afford $10 a month to upgrade to our lowest package you can even submit your ID Document for Verified Member status to further build trust. Sadly the labor cost to do this task is a lot when you figure this site is destined for tens of thousands to millions of members.

Upgrading also allows you to further attack your niche with blogs that are keyword interlinked to like content, pages, and groups all of which can establish you as an expert, and featured profiles and posts content to get you seen by more than just your friends.
